Acting and dance roles, choreographies, directing.
photo Dominik Więcek

Directing & choreography
Directed and choreographed by FAT AND DUMB
Premiere: 28.07.2023
„HOTEL H.****”, Zakład Kulturalny, Gdańsk
Directed and choreographed by Dominika Knapik
Premiere: 26.08.2023
“Pentezylea. Reconstructing the body of Amazons”, Theatre of the Eighth Day, Poznań
Directed and choreographed by FAT AND DUMB
Premiere: 6.10.2023
“Walküre”, Oper Bern
Directed by Ewelina Marciniak
Premiere: 15.01.2023
“Prinz Friedrich von Homburg”, Schaubühne, Berlin
Directed by Jette Steckel
Premiere: 14.11.2023

Directing & choreography
“VALESKA VALESKA VALESKA VALESKA”, Grotowski Institute, Wrocław
Directed and choreographed by Dominika Knapik
Premiere: 25.11.2023
“Werther”, Deutsches Theater, Berlin
Directed by Ewelina Marciniak
Premiere: 10.03.2023
“Iphigenia”, Thalia Theater/ Salzburg Festspiele
Directed by Ewelina Marciniak
Premiere: 18.08.2023
“The Welkin”, Deutsches Theater, Berlin
Directed by Jette Steckel
Premiere: 12.11.2023

Directing & choreography
„Twitching and Other Games’”, Wrocław Mime Theater
Directing & choreography Dominika Knapik
premiere 05.06.2021
„The Maid of Orleans’’, Nationaltheater Mannheim
Directing Ewelina Marciniak
Premiere 17.06.2021
„The Books of Jacob”, Thalia Theater Hamburg
Directing Ewelina Marciniak
Premiere 19.09.2021
„Snow’’, Łaźnia Nowa, Teatr Śląski, Gdański Teatr Szekspirowski, Teatr Studio
Directing Bartosz Szydłowski
Premiere 28.08.2021
„Resztki’’, Teatr Wybrzeże
Directing Ewelina Marciniak
Premiere 22.10.2021
„Złoto Renu’’, Oper Bern
Directing Ewelina Marciniak
Premiere 12.12.2021

”Der Winderspenstigen Zähmung”,Freiburg Theater
director: Ewelina Marciniak
premiere: 13.03.2020
„Jeńczyna”, National Stary Theatre in Krakow
director: Monika Strzępka
premiere: 18/19.07.2020
„2170. Was wird die Stadt gewesen sien, in der wir leben werden?”, Schauspielhaus Dortmund
director: Julia Wissert
premiere: 25.09.2020
„Agon”, Łaźnia Nowa Theatre
Directing & choreography: Dominika Knapik
Premiere 07.12.2020

“Das Ende Der Anderen”, Schauspielhaus Bochum
director: Julia Wissert
premiere: 03.05.2019
“What Is The City But The People?”, Ruhrfestspiele, Recklinghausen
director: Richard Gregory
premiere: 04.05.2019
„Gulliver’s Tales”, Narodowy Stary Teatr w Krakowie
director: Paweł Miśkiewicz
premiere: 27.05.2019
”Der Boxer”, Thalia Theater Hamburg
director: Ewelina Marciniak
premiere: 14.09.2019
”Hamlet”, Teatr Słowackiego w Krakowie
director: Bartosz Szydłowski
premiere: 8.11.2019
”Joanna na Stosie”, Krakow Opera
director: Monika Strzępka
premiere: 6.12.2019
“Baba-Dziwo” Szaniawski Theater in Wałbrzych
Directing & choreography: Dominika Knapik
Premiere 22.02.2019

„Kariera Arturo Ui” Teatr w Krakowie im. J. Słowackiego
director: Remigiusz Brzyk
premiere: 10.03.2018
„Time To Close Your Eyes“ Schauspielhaus Bochum
director: Olaf Kröck
premiere: 07.04.2018
„The Conformist“ Łaznia Nowa Theater in Krakow
director: Bartosz Szydłowski
premiere: 20.04.2018
„Wrestling Girls”, video, exhibition„Próba sił” BWA Katowice
premiere: 27.07.2018
”Night and Day”, Arthur Miller Theater, Ann Arbor (University of Michigan)
directors: Malcolm Tulip i Dominika Knapik
premiere: 04.10.2018
”Burza”, National Theatre in Warsaw
director: Paweł Miśkiewicz
premiere: 1.12.2018

„Marat/Sade“ Teatr Osterwy in Lublin
director: Remigiusz Brzyk
premiere: 17.06.2017
„Narodowe czytanie Rejsu”
director: Bartosz Szydłowski
premiere: 1.07.2017
Directing in dramatic theatre:
“Afternoon of a Faun” Teatr Rozrywki in Chorzów
choreography: Dominika Knapik
premiere: 19.01.2017
“Camp Cataract” Małopolski Ogród Sztuk in Cracow
choreography: Dominika Knapik
premiere: 13.01.2017

„Makbet” MCHAT in Moscow
director: Jan Klata
premiere: 16.04.2016
„Crime and punishment” • Schauspielhaus Bochum
director: Jan Klata
premiere: 16.09.2016
„Leni. Epizody niepamięci” Śląski Theatre in Katowice
director: Ewelina Marciniak
premiere: November 2016
Directing in dramatic theatre:
„BANG BANG” Teatr im. Stefana Jaracza in Łódź
choreography: Dominika Knapik
premiere: 6.06.2016

„The Blacks” Polski Theatre in Bydgoszcz
director: Iga Gańczarczyk
premiere: 17.01.2015
„Gyubal Wahazar” National Stary Theatre in Krakow
director: Paweł Świątek
premiere: 28.02.2015
„Portrait of a Lady” Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk
director: Ewelina Marciniak
premiere: 17.05.2015
„Przypadek według Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego” Łaźnia Nowa Theatre in Krakow
director: Bartosz Szydłowski
premiere: 22.06.2015
project „Potlacz” Bunkier Sztuki Gallery in Krakow
director: Iga Gańczarczyk
premiere: 4.07.2015
„Death and the Maiden” Polski Theatre in Wroclaw
director: Ewelina Marciniak
premiere: 21.11.2015
Acting/dance parts:
„Burn Out City” Łaźnia Nowa Theatre in Krakow
director: Kainkollektiv (Fabian Lettow, Mirjam Schmuck)
choreography: Dominika Knapik
premiere: 2.10.2015

diploma performance „Dyplom z kosmosu” PWST Krakow
director: Ewa Kaim
premiere: 24.01.2014
“You’ve clearly never been a 13-year-old girl, sir” Łaźnia Nowa
director: Iga Gańczarczyk
premiere: 19.07.2004
„In Moominvalley” Teatr Baj Pomorski in Toruń
director: Lena Frankiewicz
premiere: 28.09.2014
„Morphine” Śląski Theatre in Katowice
director: Ewelina Marciniak
premiere: 8.11.2014
Acting/dance parts:
choreography: Dominika Knapik
premiere (in Les Brigittines, Brussels): 24.04.2014
„Pinokio” Nowy Teatr in Warsaw
director: Anna Smolar
role: Pinokio
premiere: 31.05.2014

„The Cherry Orchard” Polski Theatre in Bydgoszcz
director: Paweł Łysak
premiere: 2.02.2013
„Cabaret Lunaire” Krakow Opera
director: Włodzimierz Nurkowski
premiere: 23.02.2013
„Greta Garbo przyjechała” Współczesny Theatre in Szczecin
director: Anna Augustynowicz
premiere: 19.04.2013
„Piccolo Coro de’ll Europa” Łaźnia Nowa Theatre in Krakow
director: Iga Gańczarczyk
premiere: 19.07.2013
„Listy na wyczerpanym papierze” Polski Theatre in Warsaw
director: Lena Frankiewicz
premiere: 21.09.2013

„Opowieści Zimowe” Polski Theatre in Bydgoszcz
director: Iga Gańczarczyk
premiere: 13.01.2012
„Peer Gynt” Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow
director: Rafał Sabara
premiere: 21.04.2012
„The Stranger” Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow
(choreographic consultation)
director: Anna Smolar
premiere: 27.04.2012
„Amateurs” Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk
director: Ewelina Marciniak
premiere: 24.11.2012
Choreography and performance
„Stille” Harakiri Farmers
director: Wojciech Klimczyk
premiere (Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology): 16.11.2012
director: Wojciech Klimczyk
premiere (Audio Art. Festival in Bunkier Sztuki Gallery): 23.11.2012
Dance parts
„Celebration, czyli koniec i jeszcze raz!” Teatr Dada Dada von Bzdülöw, Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk
premiere: 24.11.2012

„Świątynia. Dybuk – legendy żydowskie”, Arka Theatre in Wroclaw
director: Renata Jasińska
(choreographic consultation)
premiere: 28.01.2011
„Bullerbyn. O tym jak dzieci domowym sposobem zrobiły sobie las i co z tego wynikło” Jan Kochanowski Theatre in Opole
director: Anna Smolar
premiere: 24.09.2011
Choreography and performance
“Optimist’s testament” Teatr Łaźnia Nowa w Krakowie
director: Dominika Knapik
premiere: 17.02.2011
„Nie Ja”
director: Iga Gańczarczyk
premiere (32. Stage Songs Review in Wroclaw): 24.03.2011
„Moscow” Harakiri Farmers
premiere (Mandala Performance Festival): 20.05.2011
„Sisters” Harakiri Farmers
premiere: 15.12.2011

„Babel” Polski Theatre in Bydgoszcz
director: Maja Kleczewska
premiere: 15.03.2010
„W małym dworku” Jan Kochanowski Theatre in Opole
director: Iga Gańcarczyk
premiere: 22.04.2010
„The Fork” Minus 20 Collective
premiere: 25.09.2010
Performed at Avant Art Festival in Wroclaw
Dance parts
„Le Sacre” Teatr Dada von Bzdülöw w Gdańsku
director: Leszek Bzdyl
premiere: 17.12.2010

„A Lover’s Discourse : Fragments” Drama Theatre in Warsaw
director: Radek Rychcik
premiere: 31.01.2009
„Filozofia w Buduarze” Nowy Theatre in Krakow
director: Bogdan Hussakowski
premiere: 29.03.2009
Acting/dance parts:
„Filozofia w Buduarze” Nowy Theatre in Krakow
director: Bogdan Hussakowski
role: Madame de Saint Ange
premiere: 29.03.2009
„Całopalenie” Nowy Theatre in Krakow
director: Iga Gańczarczyk
premiere: 26.04.2009
performance „Beat Hotel”
director: Wojtek Klimczyk
Premiere at Mandala Performance Festival in Wroclaw, performed at Dancing by Daylight (KORZO, Haga, Holandia) and Malta Festival in Poznan
„We Are Oh So Lucky” Nowy Theatre in Warsaw
director: Ana Brzezińska
choreography and performance: Dominika Knapik
premiere: 15.09.2009

„Versus” Nowy Theatre in Krakow
director: Radek Rychcik
premiere: 7.12.2008
„Choinka u Iwanowów” Stefan Żeromski Theatre in Kielce
(choreographic consultation)
director: Maria Spiss
premiere: 17.05.2008
Dance projects
„Keret” Harakiri Farmers
choreography and performance: Dominika Knapik
1st prize at Malta Festival in Poznan (New Situations section)
Dance projects
solo project „Jak wam się podobam?”
artistic residence at Art Stations Foundation,
Stary Browar in Poznan
choreography and performance: Dominika Knapik
premiere: 19-20.05.2007
Performance presented at Malta Festival in Poznan, XIV International Contemporary Dance Conference and Festival of Dance Art in Bytom, XI International Dance Theatres Festival in Lublin
„Nic” Towarzystwo GimnastyczneStary Browar w Poznaniu
premiere: 15.09.2007
Project presented at Gdańska Korporacja and XI International Dance Theatres Festival in Lublin
Dance parts
acrobatic-dance project „Agency”
director: David Cassel
dance performance „Museum”
National Museum in Krakow
director: Zorka Wollny
Acting and choreography
international project „Faut qu’ca bouge”
(„Get It Moving”) Tour et Taxi, Bruksela
grupa HOPLAAA, Scena SCKM in Krakow
premiere: 7.01.2001
„There” – film
director and choreography: Dominika Knapik
Film presented at festivals in Poland (Slamdance on the Road in Łaźnia Nowa Theatre in Krakow), Greece (Naossa International Film&Video Festival), Italy (A Corto Di Donne Festival, Pozzouli) and Czech Republic (International Competitive Festival of Short Ficion Films, Brno
Dance parts
„The Return of Houdini” City Theatre in Reikjavik
director: Wayne Harrison
„Quem quaeritis?” – Pachal Mystery
performance at the Market Square in Krakow during Misteria Paschalia Festival
director: Bolesław Pawica
music and theater project „Koncert na wysokie obcasy”
Jagiellonian University in Krakow
authors: Anny Szwajgier i Zorki Wollny
„Katatonia” – feature-lenght film
director: Jacek Nagłowski
role: Anka
Grand Prix at Polish Film Festival in Gdynia (Independent CInema Competition) and 1st prize at Off Cinema Festival in Poznan; presented at many festivals (Cieszyn, Kazimierz Dolny, Chicago)
diploma performance „Wesele” („The Wedding”) PWST Krakow
director: Jerzy Trela
role: Maryna
Award at XX Festival of Theatre Schools in Łódź
diploma performance „Kubuś Fatalista i jego Pan” PWST Krakow
director: Jerzy Stuhr
role: Oberżystka, Agata
Award at XX Festival of Theatre Schools in Łódź
„Oświadczenie” – Television Drama
director: Jerzy Stuhr
role: Sekretarka
musical „Błysk rekina”
Ludowy Theatre in Krakow
director: Jerzy Fedorowicz